Friday, July 30, 2010

Our Friday

Today's random pictures....

When I opened Maddy's door this
morning she was still laying in her bed.
Usually she is up and has every book
on the bed with her or every
stuffed animal on the floor.
She reminded me of that scene in ET.

Clare is crawling ALL over the place!!
Mad sometimes crawls after her...

This is what I see when I go to
get Clare in the morning and after naps!

So cute!

It rained a lot last night
and Greg was at work.
He and another officer had to help
someone and he got soaked!
He was wet all night up past his
boots so they sat outside all day to dry.
When Greg brought them
in Mad had to put them on!

Sweet Baby Clare loves her Mama.


Sarah said...

cute camo!!!

meagansouth said...

I love the picture of the girls crawling together-so cute!
And I love that Maddy is wearing the camo-Sammie never wore it but I LOVED it:)

Jeff and Lisa said...

Love the camouflage - so hip!