Thursday, May 19, 2011

Autumn Came To Play!!!!!

Last week Autumn's baby brother, Dean, came
home and she got to come up to Phoenix to visit her Grandparents.
That means we got a few hours with her!!!
I only got a few pictures of the girls since they were keeping me busy!

They screamed and squealed the entire car ride.
They cooked.
They played Little People.
They stripped down to nothing and were running around
in the backyard on the splash pad, sliding down the slide
into the splash pad and filling buckets up at the water table
and dumping them out over and over!

Again, with these two, its like no time has passed at all.

See how happy ??


Dom said...

love them need to do it again soon...and more often

Sarah said...

Autumn was so happy to see you's reminded her that we don't see you guys as often though!