I went to Tucson with my parents this weekend to meet my new friend Ethan (*sigh* he is so darn cute, I think I will try and marry him one day!) He lives in Denver and was down visiting his brand new cousin Andrew. I really wanted to get a picture with Andrew, but he was only 2 weeks old, so it was hard for me to get my hands on the little guy.

My Mom, me, Ethan and his mom Lindsay.
See how I like to hold his hand!
Later that day we went to a BBQ with a lot of little people running around, I was watching and learning a lot about how to play. I was the only girl there with all these boys, so I found a nice little chair to play on that sang to me.
Then my parents took me down the slide. A lot. The slide was so much fun, I smiled and giggled the entire time!
I am so proud of myself!
I got to take more pictures with Ethan and his Daddy. Ethan's dad Chris and my Dad are best friends since high school.

I was trying to be very gentle.
Lindsay, Chris, Ethan (7 weeks), Madeleine (7 months), Greg, Courtney.
There were a few balloons floating around the house and when I saw the string I PULLED!!
When I learned that I could fling the balloon around, I went crazy and I hit my Mom in the head and me in the head a few times. I thought it was so funny!!

Since it was the weekend I got to read the Sunday paper with my Dad, as usual!!
We went to breakfast with our cousin's Jeremy, Gris and JD. It was the first time I had the chance to meet them, so it was lots of fun!! At The Good Egg, they give us little kids a small bowl of cheerios and a small bowl of sliced apples.... when I saw the apple I put it right in my mouth, but then I almost choked on it, so my Mom and Dad said I couldn't play with that anymore.

Apples in my mouth.
1 comment:
Looks like a fun weekend!
I LOVE the slide pictures-hilarious.
And JD-geez-what a handsome little guy:)
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