Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bath Time FUN!!!

I got these numbers for the bath
tub the other day and I LOVE them!!
My Mom puts them on the wall for me
and then I take them down and and play.
When I am done, they go back up on the wall.
I spend a lot of time in the tub trying to
put the numbers back up on the wall.

I also have started to try and drink from the rinse cup!!
I love to have the bubbles in my mouth.

I am going to love swimming this summer!!
I lay on my belly and kick, kick,kick.
I am soooo going to be a swimmer! : )

P.S. All of these pictures were
taken during one bath.
Maddy's bath time is always
getting longer and longer,
about 25 minutes now!


Julie + Dave + 1 said...

Look at those teeth!!! She's such a cutie...

meagansouth said...

Love the bath pics. Sammer always drank from the cup too--still does!