Sunday, March 22, 2009

Reception at the Park

We went to see my cousin JD's Mom and Dad
get married at the church and
to have a fun reception at the park.
My Mom and Dad didn't get any pictures
in the church because they were busy entertaining me
(I did very good in the church!)

We did get some fun pictures at the park,
and its a good thing because
I stood for a very long time
and I even took 4 steps!!!!

My Mom is so funny!

Blowing spit bubbles with my Dad.
I love to do that!!

Standing all by myself. Yeah!!

Heading towards my Mom.....

I was so proud of myself, I started clapping and laughing!!!


meagansouth said...

What a big girl!

Christine said...

Wow!!! That's great!

Toni said...

I want a whole garden of ruffly flowers like HER in my yard!!! Waving & clapping!