Saturday, June 19, 2010

Madeleine's Week

Mad's week in review:

Since I started working at
DeMont Family Swim School,
Mad has been getting lessons.
Free lessons!
Thursday she joined her class,
the class she will be in every week.
Mad got her first ribbon for being
a swimmer and I promised to make her
a ribbon box, I know she will have a ton!
I was a little bummed about her
class being on a Thursday since that is
the day we go to toddler time at the library.
She loves going there and we have
missed very few since she was 9 months old!
Thats a long time.
BUT, the class prior to Maddy's is
an infant class, so it works out perfect
for us since Clare will be starting classes next month.
We can get them both done in one day!

After a marathon of putting Clare
down for her nap one morning,
I came out to find Maddy feeding her baby.
She also takes the owl and dog potty
and changes their diapers.
A lot.
She is a good little mommy.

Bear. Enough said.

I made cookies the other day
while Mad was napping and saved
one of the beaters for her.
She had never had one before.
She liked it!

A little too excited when
she heard the words "bath time"!


meagansouth said...

She's a busy little gal:) Cutie pie.

Jeff and Lisa said...

Love the pic of Maddy nursing her baby doll! And this is the first I've heard of any difficulty now that you have 2. You make it look so easy. I don't think Iris is going to like it for awhile!