Monday, August 30, 2010

San Diego 2010

* This is going to be a long post.
I had over 50 pictures for this post and
Greg said that was way too many.
I agree, I just didn't want to cut any out!


I drove the entire way while Greg tried to sleep since he had just gotten off of work that morning. The car ride went better than expected, although it was still stressful with the lack of sleep from Greg and Clare.
Miss Maddy is quite a chatterbox...
We got to the beach and walked down to the water and Mad was almost immediately knocked down by a wave.
It scared her a bit so we were not sure how she would do after that.


We had a very early start, as we would the rest of the week. Not so fun.
Anyways, we bundled up and went for a walk by the water.

First family picture by the ocean.

After Clares nap, we headed over to the bay so that Maddy could go on Grandpa's boat. She had been talking about this for sometime and was very excited to go.

Grandpa and Maddy

Daddy and Maddy

Off they go.

Coming back in.

After she got off the boat she did not have much to say. We asked her a million different ways and she never really said anything about it. Unfortunately we never got a chance to sail again, so we'll see how she does next year.


Another early start, so we headed to Seaport Village a little before 9am. Turns out they don't open until 10am, so we walked around by the water while Clare napped on me and watched some Navy Seals training activity for a bit. Once all the shops opened, only a few of them had power, so the trip was a bust, not to mention that Mad didn't even get to ride the carousel like she did last year.


We drove up to La Jolla to go to the Scripps Aquarium.
Greg got some really cool pictures of the seahorses!
Clare did not sleep on me or in the stroller,
which was awesome...

Maddy loved all the sea life!

Maddy touching a starfish.

Maddy touching a sea cucumber.

We walked to the corner market to get some ice for the beer and Maddy went rummaging through the candy and came up with this....
So she had her first sucker. Ever!


We headed down to the beach to hang out in the sun all day, except it was really windy and very chilly in the shade.
Clare hated it and lasted about 10 minutes.
Maddy was in love with the water and the sand!


Maddy and Aummie M.

Will's family flew in from Michigan
and spent the afternoon with us.

Maddy and Hannah. (Will's niece)

Will and M with the yummy cookies to help celebrate.


It was a busy day, but Greg and
Clare had time to relax together.

Oh yeah. There was a wedding to attend...

Mr. and Mrs.
(More on that in another post.)


My sister drove out to stay with the girls on
Thursday night so Greg and I could attend wedding
festivities without two little girls in tow.
Maddy begged Carlin to take her to the ocean, so she did.

Looks a little cold to me...

So worn out.

Clare had an upset tummy so she made
herself cozy on Greg and he did some "Dr. Fred"
moves on her until she was happy.


The girls saying goodbye to the ocean.


Sarah said...

I'm glad you posted all those pics!! I love the aquarium picture of Maddy with the fish!! What great beach babies!!

meagansouth said...

Oh my goodness, those may possibly be some of the cutest pics:) Looks like a fabulous time...even if you did have to get up early.
And I can't wait to hear the story on Emily's surprise wedding.

Elizabeth said...

Looks like so much fun!

Jeff and Lisa said...

How can you edit when all the pics are so good. We're always telling Iris about the ocean and how we will go someday.

Finally a lollipop Maddy - Iris says "Hooray"