Wednesday, October 08, 2008

6 months....

Well, I am almost 6 months old!! Saturday to be exact.
I had my check up today and I am a growing girl!
I weigh 16 lbs and 3oz which puts me in the 50-75% and I am 25 1/2 inches long which puts me in the 50%. 
I got some more shots today..... I hate them! I scream and scream, then I get so pooped, I sleep for most of the day. But them I am better by the next day. : )
My Doctor says I can start to have solids for all of my major meals now, I am really excited to start eating fruits. 
Stay tuned for more eating pictures..... those are always the best!
Ta ta!

1 comment:

meagansouth said...

Wow, my son really is huge-Maddy is only 3 lbs heavier than him and she's 4 months older!!!!!
Be brave Maddy-we know it sucks getting shots.