Saturday, October 04, 2008

Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater.....

I went to my first ever pumpkin patch today!! I had so much fun, we had lunch, went on a tractor/hay ride, played with some pumpkins and of course, my parents took a million pictures of me! Why shouldn't they.... I am pretty darn cute!

My Dad and me on the tractor/hay ride.

My Mom and me after lunch.

I was wondering what this thing was... now I know. We did bring home quite a few of them for me to look at for the next month.

(My Moms favorite picture of the day!)

We went with my cousins Sammie and Cole to the pumpkin patch

Samantha is so sweet to me.

I love my big girl cousin, even though I pulled her hair right after this.

Happy Fall!!!


meagansouth said...

We had fun too! Sammie had such a blast...even is Maddy did pull her hair!

meagansouth said...

Aapparently I can't spell!
Even IF Maddy pulled her hair:)