Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tucson, again!!

Well this trip to Tucson was a lot of fun... still not a lot of pictures. I think my parents might be slacking a bit.  
We went down to Tucson for Homecoming, as it is an annual event my parents and Auntie M really enjoy. There was a swim luncheon and then we went tailgating. I met lots of my parents friends that were very excited to meet me (Susie, I can't wait to meet her twins and Tara, I can't wait to meet your third little boy!).  I was a little trooper all day long!! I was out in the hot sun and only took a little nap. There were lots of babies around, so it was fun for me!
Auntie M and I at the tailgate.

Mastin family at tailgate.

I'm a future WILDCAT!!!!  

1 comment:

meagansouth said...

Cute pics-although they'd be cuter with maroon and gold on!!!