Thursday, March 04, 2010

Fun Day With Friends

Toddler Time was today, as it is every thursday.
Maddy loves it!
Today we got there a bit early to
play at the park with Autumn.

Autumn standing up and Mad going down.
Yes. Autumn got taken down.
No one got hurt and they
sure laughed about it after!

Maddy and Autumn often sit under
the table together and have their special
conversations that only they understand...
today this little girl walked all the way
across the room and climbed under with them.
She didn't stay for long.

Madeleine, Autumn and Iris
getting ready for St Patrick's Day!

It was such a nice day out,
we played some more after toddler time.

The three girls snacking and hogging the stairs.

Getting ready to slide!

*Pictures stolen from Autumn's blog.
Head on over if you want to
see the full size pictures.


Sarah said...

That little girl didn't stay long because Maddy was giving her the death stare! That's where the girls eat their snacks in peace.

Jeff and Lisa said...

Iris only has 1 more week to get brave enough to join them under there.