Thursday, March 25, 2010

Weekend In Phoenix

We went to Phoenix this past weekend
because my Grandpa and Grandma were having a BBQ.

This little girl got LOTS of love...

Miss Clare

Clare with Auntie Mimi and my new cousin in her belly

Clare with Auntie B

Reaching for some food and playing in my undies!

Playing cornhole, I sure love those beanbags!

Playing with Baby Kelly,
we might have a crush on each other,
but our Mom's say we can't get married!

Aunt Terri gave me some more books,
she always gives the best books to me!

Mallory, Courtney and Carlin

Auntie B giving my new cousin some love!

Sunday morning we went to
Gigi and Grandpas house...
my parents forgot the camera at the other house,
so Gigi sent these to us.

Playing in the fountain with Grandpa.

Mom giving Clare some love.

I also got my teeth cleaned
for the first time the next day
and I did SUPER good!!!
No pictures because my parents
didn't have the camera back yet...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

clare looks so happy in that last pic!