Monday, January 11, 2010

January 16th.... or sooner!

Greg, Maddy and I all went to the Dr.
this morning for our last visit!
Miss Clare is scheduled to be here
on Saturday, January 16th.... or sooner!
I am dilated 2-3 cm right now,
so he said I could go anytime.
I hope for all of us that she waits
(can you believe I am saying that?)
so that Greg doesn't have to miss any
of his training and can be at the
hospital the entire time with me.
Wish us luck!


meagansouth said...

Can't wait! Hope it quick and easy...but not too quick:)

Sarah said...

I'm nervous...zoo days are so adventurous now. Also, Autumn mostly pretends to call "coney" not Maddy on the phone now.