Sunday, April 05, 2009

Decorating Easter Eggs

Tonight I got to decorate Easter eggs!!
My Mom put my bunny ears on to get ready
and we were off.....
We used bright eggs and put
flower and butterfly stickers all over,
I had so much fun!!

Me and Mom

The ears helped with my inspiration!

Such fun colors.

I was helping my Mom put the stickers on.

What a face!!!

Yep, that's my Dad with Bunny ears on.....
one day I am sure I will get him to wear a boa, too!!
My cousin's Samantha and Cole got their Dad to wear one!
Sorry Peter!!

Here's my basket with all my eggs!!


Christine said...

How cute! That third picture up from the bottom is priceless!

meagansouth said...

That looks like fun---I'm sure the boa will make it's way out sooner than you think!?:)